


About Hema Neer, BSc HIP

Holistic Psychotherapist | Health & Lifestyle Coach | Integrative Healer

Hema is a therapist for all areas of health and wellness including mental health, peak performance and personal empowerment.
Her personal journey motivates people to overcome obstacles, achieve their dreams, and to fully express their amazing potential.

Hema helps you return to a natural state of happiness simply, without endless talking, psychological analysis, supplements or wellness trends. Her approach uses a simple formula that accelerates your health & wellness.


Hema is known for working at depth. She understands whole-life transformation from a number of valuable lenses, eastern and western, old and new.


Holistic & Integrative Psychotherapist (HIP)
Ayurveda (Lifestyle Medicine) Health Coach (AHC1)
Psychotherapeutic Life Coach
Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Teacher
Tantra Yoga Teacher
Meditation Teacher
Reiki Master Teacher – Seichem & Usui Reiki Ryoho
Vipassana Meditation
Priestess of Gaia


Rhythmic Potential™ Online Private Members Health Club
Psychotherapy (West London, Greece)
Traditional Tantra studies (Kashmir Shaivism)
Women’s Health & Hormones


WISDOM:  Live to your full potential through living naturally
BALANCE:  Remove, declutter, release, detox, digest
SOCIAL JUSTICE:  Hema’s work is underpinned by…

Empowerment: She encourages continuous improvement without reliance on external authorities.
Energetics: She aims to teach people to take control of their minds and bodies.
Excellence: Hema strives to fulfil her purpose and helps you do the same.

3 reasons you should not be here:

Hi, I’m Hema.

I always love the “about me” page on websites like this because they’re written in the third person…even though they’re typically written by the the owner of the site.So after Hema followed along with all the marketing advice given to her about writing about herself in the third person, she then decided to write this page like it was a letter to a friend.
Which, in many ways, it is.

Anyway, what do you wish to know?

I’m 43, British-Indian, I moved to Greece to escape British lockdowns and was granted my greek residency 2 days before Brexit.

Before that I lived in Berlin for the electronic music with my two black cats.
And before that I worked on yachts as a yoga teacher helping rich people feel happy and healthy without pharmaceuticals.

I’m guessing that’s not the kind of stuff you’re looking for.

You’re probably wondering:
Is this woman worth my time and attention?
For many readers, my answer is NO.

Here’s why:

1: I choose not to sell you quick fixes…

Solutions in the therapy and healing world seem to be getting shorter and more sensational. (Just like fast food, fast money and fast travel.)

I get it. Back when I was struggling, I was looking for things that would work quickly to fix my noisy mind, anxiety, depression, brainfog, fatigue, low immunity.

I thought I just needed that one magic coach, pill, practice that would fix me.

Well, it wasn’t that easy.

I had to have the right intention and willingness to heal.

… And it still takes intention and willingness to keep myself feeling happy and healthy.

So if you’re not prepared to enjoy a “journey of becoming” with reasonable timescales, I’m not your gal.

Here’s why:

2: If you don’t want to change your lifestyle, you’re not going to like my stuff.

Here’s why I’m telling you this. 

Start going down the “Wellness” rabbit hole, and you’ll see all kinds of ads and articles about supplements, fasting practices, gadgets, retreats etc.

Does some of it work? 

Probably. In the short term. But if you rely on that, you don’t have a health-generating lifestyle. You have health and wellness that is supported by unsustainable wellness consumerism.

When rhythm, anti-inflammatory habits and the removal of toxins, traumas and waste infuse your lifestyle – from your diet, mindset, sleep, mental hygiene and emotional regulation – your spirit thrives, beautifully. 

Here’s why:

 3. If you’re looking for “The Easy Way”, I don’t want to help you!

It’s important you understand what I’m telling you. 
I can help you, I just won’t. I’m capable of it, but I refuse to do it. 
“Get healed, healthy and happy fast” is a lie.
There are small, achievable, high-yield habits that need to be repeated over time so that Nature can work her magic to balance and heal.

So you are still here? Fantastic.
Here’s what I will help you with, specifically


My main focus is to help you get healthy, balanced and back in control of your mind, body and life. 

I do this by following a process of simple and achievable principles/habits that can lead to radical shifts in health and freedom.

I earned this process through 15 years of study and 20 years of personal experience.

Here’s what I will help you with specifically:


  • Actionable trainings  you can use in your life and journey towards your best self right now, for free …which are usually followed by:

  • Blatant invitations into my programmes.

Can you believe I just told you flat out that you’re going to receive blatant invitations into my programmes?

Well, why wouldn’t I tell you?

I mean c’mon – I’m a wellness pro. We make our money by selling useful stuff. I will try to sell you something and I won’t be subtle about it.

However – it’s always preceded by really valuable information you can use immediately.

That’s free.

The idea is you’ll say, “Wow, this free stuff really helped me. I think I’ll try the paid stuff.”

Pretty simple, right?

But you still might be wondering …

How do I know if you are going to like my stuff?

Well the smarted thing is to book a call and chat to me and we will see if we get on.

But I think I’m supposed to do the whole “self aggrandising biography” thing now so here goes:

It all started out in 2007 when I was climbing up the management career ladder at a fast-paced Fortune 500 London company.

On the outside I looked okay, a bit podgy but I look like I had it all together!
My anxiety, emptiness and misery wore a smile.


For years I had failed hundreds of times at transforming my difficult emotions, skin and body and with the likes of pills, anti-depressants, EFT, CBT, mindfulness, Kundalini Yoga, Reiki, life coaching, hypnosis, diet changes and many holistic and alternative modalities. Whatever I tried worked as a temporary bandaid and then I’d go back to looking for the next magic bullet.  

I finally left my corporate management role in 2007 and joined a yoga teacher training.  In my first month I saw myself naked without all the things I classified as being part of me – wild social life, alcohol, cigarettes, outfits; I didn’t wear makeup or straighten my hair; I didn’t even listen to my IPOD which is saying something as music was a huge part of my life – I was stripped back, for the first time ever in a lifetime of accumulating, acting, addiction to something or another.. and avoiding.

The experience was quite the blessing and something that I could never have achieved in London. I felt amazing – calm, bright, lit up, lean and fully embracing the present moment.

But back in the real world my deep seated emotions of anxiety, stress and overwhelm resurfaced.  I needed to master positive change that hit the roots of my insecurities that lasted.

My journey took many twists and turns. Years of studying with experts, multiple qualifications in health & wellbeing, and most importantly applying everything I have learned in my own life helped me get to the truth, which is that when we heal with a whole-person perspective (mind body soul & environment) – you achieve wellness that is off the charts and you never look back.

Here’s What I Will Help You With, Specifically


✓ INABILITY TO FOCUS including brainfog, overthinking, indecision, procrastination
✓ MOOD ISSUES like ADHD, anxiety and depression
✓ ENERGY ISSUES including burnout, fatigue, coffee or sugar addictions
✓ INABILITY TO LOSE WEIGHT AND MAINTAIN even after exercising and eating right
✓ INFLAMMATION auto-immune disorders and chronic issues
✓ FERTILITY CONCERNS Difficultly getting pregnant or concerns about your future fertility
✓ DIGESTIVE ISSUES such as IBS, gas, bloating, food intolerances, constipation

Yes I know it’s a tall order but I’ve done it for hundreds of clients just like you.


Here’s my first invitation to you:

Book in a free consultation call HERE to talk about your health goals.

If that goes well, and we want to work with each other, consider working with me if I invite you into my programme.

Pretty simple, right?

Thanks for reading this page and click HERE to connect.
